About Us

TGBeyond is the definitive source of easy to understand and practical information for people dealing with the physical, emotional  and unavoidable aspects of a death. 

Dying is hard on the living - we want to make it a little easier.

Both Barry and Jason have been in the process of dying (or living) our entire lives.  We started working together in 2018 on our deathcare journey.  We found a niche by creating the highest quality virtual memorials by bringing together producers from the Emmy’s to your Aunt Emmy and from the Oscars to your Uncle Oscar.  While creating incredibly meaningful and intimate online memorials, we found that the challenge was not what we expected.  

The issue that we experienced was that people wrestled with the ability to discuss or plan around a death. In many cases, death and preparations around the end of life is a topic that is strictly avoided.  Based on our conversations with death educators nationwide, many people have very little experience with death.  This lack of experience leads to “the path of least resistance” decisions and often takes away creative, meaningful, and helpful options.  The most common response that we have heard from people is “I wish I had known that”.  

We want to help people to understand that they have both choice and control when it comes to the end of life.  This opens the possibilities to create more meaning and self-expression and find rituals and activities that feel honest and true to the life that is being honored.  This active approach towards death will both reduce stress and family conflict, and save time and money. 

The tone of the deathcare primarily focuses on dignity and reverence. These messages are delivered effectively to the average person in their time of acute need around a death.  While this gentle reverent approach can be best in a time of crisis, we are concerned that it will alienate others with whom this message does not resonate.

We all deserve DEADUTAINMENT.

Then we were approached by a woman named Claire who went by the name “Grieving Bitch” who wanted to share her story as an isolated caregiver during Covid to becoming a widow.  She is funny, engaging, honest and brave.  This led us to create a 10 week live series on Instagram that was both entertaining and insightful.  

Roughly one year later, we were approached by a woman named Allyson who wanted to share her living funeral as an example of how to continue fully living until you die.  She had been diagnosed 10 days earlier with an inoperable brain tumor, known as a butterfly tumor.  As a hospice nurse and trainer for over a decade, she knew death and wanted to share her own death to shed light and advocate for proactively engaging with death.  We created a short documentary called “A Butterfly Has Been Released”.


We believe that death can be spoken about in a way that is entertaining and “That’s DEADUTAINMENT!!”

We strive to continue to amuse people to death.